Getresponse affiliate: make Money with email marketing — nexttodigital

Gopesh Doloi
4 min readMar 8, 2022
Getresponse affiliate: make Money with email marketing

Getresponse is a program that allows you to do email marketing for your business and you can earn money by promoting Getresponse through the Getresponse affiliate program.

even if you do not have any business and do not use Getresponse as an email marketing tool no matter, you can easily promote Getresponse and earn money from the Getresponse affiliate program.

And the easiest and best way to make money online from home is to promote affiliate programs.
And the best of many affiliate programs is Getresponse Affiliate.
The question that arises in my mind is how will these things happen? Don’t take any tension, prepare yourself to know the whole thing and keep reading.

What is affiliate program?

Getresponse affiliate What is affiliate program?

A product can be anything. Let’s take today’s email marketing service getresponse for example. The function of this service is to send marketing emails from time to time to the email lists for those who do business, in a word, to do email marketing.

Now the twist is if that getresponse company wants everyone to promote getresponse online and getresponse company will pay them instead of that promotion. This is called an affiliate system. And with this plan, they launch the getresponse affiliate program.

And it works for every affiliate program in the world. So in a word, any product that you promote can earn a commission. The more products you sell, the more commission you get, and whether this product can be a digital product or a physical product does not matter to us.

it’s somehow simple…

Type of affiliate program

Getresponse affiliate

There are usually two types of affiliate programs. The first is the Normal affiliate program that you get a commission on every sale.

And the second is the Recurring Commission affiliate Program, once you are promoted, you will get a commission at a certain percentage per month, as long as other people use your promoted service, you will get a commission. This type of commission is called Recurring Commission.

The reason for explaining so much is so that we can better understand the getresponse affiliate program.

GetResponse is a very good email marketing service for email marketing. Moreover, if you only want to earn money by promoting products, then getresponse affiliate program can be a very good opportunity.

We already know that there are two types of affiliate programs. The first is the normal affiliate program and the second is the Recurring Commission affiliate program.

And fortunately, today’s service getresponse has these two types of affiliate programs.
If you want to earn money by promoting only once, you can also join its Affiliate Bounty Programs. And you get a commission of 100$ for every sale

And if you want to get some percentage Recurring Commission every month then you can join their Affiliate Recurring Program. Here you will get a 33% Recurring Commission every month as Recurring commissions.
I don’t think there is an any better product than this to make money at home.

Why I love getresponse the most

Getresponse affiliate Why I love getresponse the most

Suppose you promoted or referred someone to getresponse email marketing service and he clicked on your referral link and go to getresponse official website but s/he did not immediately purchase any plan and s/he closed the browser.

In this case, you will not get any commission in other affiliate programs but getresponse happens a little differently.

Now the twist, If he changes his mind after a while and comes to his browser a second time and goes to the official website of getresponse email marketing service without clicking on your referral link and buying a plan, you will still get a commission.
Because getresponse provides 120-day cookies.

In a word, if a person buys a plan within 120 days after clicking on that link, you will get commission and I think getresponse is one of the best features.

and Everything written on this point is taken from the getresponse official website

  • Choice of Affiliate programs (Recurring or upfront commissions)
  • Comprehensive Affiliate selling materials, content, and guides
  • Real-Time Reporting
  • Attractive and uncapped referral commissions
  • 120-day cookie

The rest and details of this blog are on my website. You can visit if you want by clicking here. I firmly believe that you will get a lot of help from there.

What are you missing without going to my main blog?

Reasons to become an affiliate & promote GetResponse?
How you can promote Getseponse affiliate program?
Who can join this affiliate program ?
How much money can you make from here?
When you will get paid?
Can you join both GetResponse affiliate programs?
And of course my opinion

if you want to know this thing then go and visit


Originally published at on March 8, 2022.

